ELISA TMB Stabilized Chromogen (Invitrogen™)

ELISA TMB Stabilized Chromogen is a ready-to-use one-component horseradish peroxidase substrate (HRP) for ELISA plate applications. It can be used in both kinetic assays (optical density monitored over several time points) and in endpoint assays. The solution is colorless or pale blue prior to use. In the presence of peroxidase, the solution develops a blue reaction product. The optical density of the solution is measured at two wavelengths: 492 nm and 650 nm.

When color formation is monitored at an endpoint, an equal volume of an acidic stop solution should be added to the wells. Addition of a stop solution results in the rapid formation of a yellow end product. The optical density of this yellow end product is measured at 450 nm.

For a complete kit of ELISA buffers, see ELISA Buffer Kit.
View all available buffers and reagents for ELISA applications.

Order Codes

Code Description
SB02 Catalog Number: SB02
SB01 Catalog Number: SB01
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