3500 Dx Data Collection Software 3, Upgrade Kit (Applied Biosystems™)

3500 Dx Series Data Collection Software 3 provides the ideal features and functionality for use in both clinical and research environments. Powered by the Windows™ 7 operating system, the 3500 Dx Series Data Collection Software 3 provides:

• Dual-mode user interface, the Diagnostic Mode and the Research Use Only Mode
• Enables both fragment analysis and Sanger sequencing in the secure Diagnostic Mode
• Enables import of validated sequencing and fragment analysis assay protocols to run in Diagnostic Mode
• Comprehensive dashboard that delivers regular updates of instrument status and remaining days of onboard consumables
• SAE (Security, Audit, and Electronic) signature capability to assist with compliance to governing regulations

This product includes a computer system, monitor, 3500 Dx Series Data Collection Software 3 upgrade USB flash drive, one licensing kit with single license code, and two user document USB flash drives.

For an upgrade, a full install and operational and performance qualification package by a certified engineer is required. These services are ordered and provided separately.

Order Codes

Code Description
A27855 Catalog Number: A27855
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