Dolichos Biflorus (Horse Gram) Agglutinin (DBA), fluorescein (FITC) (Invitrogen™)

Dolichos Biflorus (Horse Gram) Agglutinin (DBA), fluorescein (FITC), is a bright-green DBA-fluorophor conjugate. DBA has been used to establish secretor status in blood-group-A individuals by hemagglutination inhibition techniques and for blood typing. This lectin has also been used as a general marker of developing renal collecting ducts. It has also been used as a marker of cell surface change in murine embryonic stem cells during early differentiation.

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• Very bright FITC conjugate detected with traditional FITC/GFP filter set, Ex/Em: 495/515 nm
• Applications: immunofluorescence, glycobiology
• Sugar specificity: N-acetylgalactosamine
• Inhibiting/eluting sugar: 200 mM N-acetylgalactosamine
• Blood group specificity: A1 >>A2
• Unconjugated lectin molecular weight: 111 KDa
• Immunofluorescence working concentration: 5–20 μg/mL

DBA-FITC is provided at a 2 mg/mL concentration in 10 mM HEPES, 0.15 M NaCl, pH 7.5, 0.08% sodium azide, 0.1 mM Ca2+. If a precipitate forms upon long-term storage at 4°C, warm to 37°C and centrifuge before use.

Order Codes

Code Description
L32474 Catalog Number: L32474
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