GeneArt™ pYES1L Vector with Sapphire™ Technology (Invitrogen™)

GeneArt™ pYES1L Vector with Sapphire Technology™ is a ready-to-use, 9.3 Kb linearized BAC⁄YAC shuttle vector, used for the assembly of DNA fragments with the GeneArt™ High-Order Genetic Assembly System (cat#A13285 & A13286). The vector has the capacity to clone up to 110 Kb of DNA fragments. This product only includes the linearized GeneArt™ pYES1L Vector with Sapphire Technology™.

Some of the key features and elements of the GeneArt™ pYES1L Vector with Sapphire Technology™ include:
TRP1 to allow selection of yeast transformants in tryptophan-deficient medium
• ARS⁄CEN origin to allow stable maintenance of the construct in yeast
• F’ for conjugation
• oriT for maintenance of large constructs in E.coli
• Spectinomycin resistance for selection in E.coli
• 6 Convenient and validated restriction sites flanking the cloning region

Order Codes

Code Description
A13287 Catalog Number: A13287
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