GeneMapper™ Software v4.0, full installation (Applied Biosystems™)

GeneMapper™ Software is a flexible fragment analysis software package that provides quality DNA sizing and allele calls for all Applied Biosystems™ genetic analyzers. This software is designed to support multi-application functionality, including analysis of amplified fragment length polymorphism (AFLP), loss of heterozygosity (LOH), microsatellites, and SNP genotyping.

Features include:
• Multi-user, client-server deployment (through Oracle 11g RDBMS)
• Increased data processing efficiency through remote auto-analysis and command line operation
• Security and audit features to help you meet 21CFR11 requirements
• Organize, manage, and batch-process your data with Report Manager and Database Dashboard
• Automatically evaluate and reduce data review time with Process Quality Values (PQVs) for high-throughput genotyping

The software supports a wide variety of applications on the Applied Biosystems™ 3500, 3500xL, 3730, 3730xl, 3130, 3130xl, 3100, 3100–Avant, and 310 instrument systems.

Order Codes

Code Description
4440915 Catalog Number: 4440915
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