GeneRacer™ Kit with AMV RT and TOPO TA Cloning™ Kit for Sequencing (Invitrogen™)

GeneRacer™ is an advanced RACE (rapid amplification of cDNA ends) technique that improves the efficiency of amplifying full-length 5´ and 3´ cDNA ends. With the GeneRacer™ Kit you can:

• Generate cDNA from transcripts up to 10 kb in length
• Obtain the full-length 5´ end of rare transcripts at fewer than 30 copies per cell
• Clone the full-length 5´ and 3´ ends to construct complete cDNA sequence

The GeneRacer™ Kit is available with SuperScript™ III Reverse Transcriptase (RT) for improved amplification of the full-length 5´ end from long and complex mRNA. The RNase H portion of SuperScript™ III RT has been mutated to avoid cleaving mRNA during cDNA synthesis. This increases the size and yield of cDNA. SuperScript™ III RT is more thermostable than wild-type RTs. This enables reverse transcription at higher temperatures, relaxing secondary structure of complex templates, and allowing cDNA synthesis to go to completion.

How GeneRacer™ Works

The GeneRacer™ Kit ensures that only transcripts containing full-length cDNA ends are amplified (1,2). Figure 1 outlines how the GeneRacer™ Kit works. The advanced protocol starts at the RNA level by specifically targeting only 5´ capped mRNA. In subsequent steps the cap is removed and replaced with the GeneRacer™ RNA Oligo. During reverse transcription, the GeneRacer™ RNA Oligo sequence is incorporated into the cDNA. Only cDNA that is completely reverse transcribed will contain this known sequence. 5´ RACE PCR is then performed using the GeneRacer™ 5´ Primer specific to the GeneRacer™ RNA Oligo sequence and a gene-specific primer. The result is amplified DNA that contains the full-length 5´ cDNA sequence.

Sensitivity and Length

To demonstrate the ability of the GeneRacer™ Kit to capture the full-length 5fi cDNA end, the 5fi ends of genes with known transcriptional start sites were amplified. Starting with total RNA and following the GeneRacer™ protocol, both long transcripts (10 kb) and rare messages present at 0.01%, or 30 copies per cell were amplified (Figure 2).

Order Codes

Code Description
L150001 Catalog Number: L150001
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