Genexus™ Barcodes 1-96 AS (Ion Torrent™)

The Ion Torrent Genexus Barcodes 1-96 AS kit provides one each of Ion Torrent Genexus Barcodes 1-32 AS, 33-64 AS, and 65-96 AS. When used in conjunction with Ion Torrent Genexus Library Strips 1 and 2-AS, it supports flexible, fully automated preparation and normalization of up to 96 Ion AmpliSeq libraries. Each plate is filled with 32 dried-down, single-use barcodes and covered with a pierceable foil seal, eliminating the risk of cross contamination between wells. The barcodes can be flexibly utilized in increments of 1 to 32, until all barcodes are exhausted. For Ion AmpliSeq HD-based assays, choose Ion Torrent Barcodes 1-32 HD.

As part of the Genexus Integrated Sequencer workflow, the Genexus Barcodes 1-96 AS kit:
• Automates library preparation for 200–400 base-read Ion AmpliSeq libraries
• Supports intake variability of clinical research samples in a cost-effective manner
• Maximizes flexibility with the ability prepare 1 to 32 single-pool libraries per run
• Enables parallel processing of up to four compatible assays in a single run
• Delivers fast and simple instrument setup, with less than five minutes of hands-on time

The Ion Torrent Genexus Integrated Sequencer automates library preparation, sequencing, analysis, and reporting in a hands-off, walkaway workflow to deliver results in a single day. The innovative, multilane sequencing chip is designed to enable cost-effective processing of 1 to 32 single pool libraries.

Order Codes

Code Description
A40257 Catalog Number: A40257
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