Histogene™ LCM Immunofluorescence Staining Kit, includes staining components only (Applied Biosystems™)

The ARCTURUS™ HistoGene™ LCM Immunofluorescence Staining Kit is designed to retrieve high-quality nucleic acids from immunofluorescently-stained, frozen tissue using a quick 15-minute process. The kit provides reagents and slides for convenient and reliable immunofluorescent staining as well as protocols that are streamlined and optimized to maintain nucleic acid quality.

Key product features are:
• Simplified staining—retrieve high-quality RNA from simplified fluorescent target cell labeling
• Efficient preservation—quick 15-minute process preserves mRNA
• Cold sample protection—chill samples for intact RNA
• Exceptional specificity—benefit from brilliant high-contrast label intensity
• Maximized compatibility—use with many tissue types

Simplified Fluorescent Target Cell Labeling
Identify target cells for Laser Capture Microdissection (LCM) and gene expression analysis using antigen markers to highlight specific surface or intracellular proteins. The HistoGene™ LCM Immunofluorescence Staining Kit is specifically designed to retrieve high-quality RNA from immunofluorescently stained frozen tissue. The staining kit provides reagents and slides for convenient and reliable immunofluorescent staining as well as protocols that are streamlined and optimized to maintain nucleic acid quality (Figure 1).

Quick 15-minute Process Preserves RNA
The HistoGene™ LCM Immunofluorescence Kit works in less than 15 minutes (only 5 minutes in aqueous environment). The proprietary staining buffer from ARCTURUS™ minimizes nucleic acid degradation. Standard immunofluorescence labeling kits typically take over 90 minutes to process samples, compromising the nucleic acid integrity with conditions sub-optimal for single-stranded nucleic acid stability. Electrophoresis and RT-PCR of RNA isolated after using the HistoGene™ LCM Immunofluorescence Kits confirm that high-quality RNA is retrieved from microdissected samples (Figures 2 & 3).

Chill Samples for Intact RNA
To increase RNA yield and help ensure its quality, the HistoGene™ Cold Block keeps up to four tissue section slides and several tubes containing buffer and antibody solutions chilled while using the HistoGene™ LCM Immunofluorescence Kit. The HistoGene™ Cold Block is designed for use with the CoolSafe triple density polystyrene cooler (Cat. # CSF-Box) and -10°C CoolBrick (Cat. # BRIK-1520) from Diversified Biotech (Figure 4).

Obtain Intact RNA from Many Tissue Types
Our scientists have examined RNA integrity after using the HistoGene™ Immunofluorescence Kits on many tissue types with several antibodies. All tissue tested using the HistoGene™ Immunofluorescence Kits have yielded high-quality RNA. Tissue/antibody combinations validated include:

Get Brilliant High-contrast Label Intensity
The HistoGene™ LCM Immunofluorescence Kit employs a biotin-avidin system with Cy3 which leads to exceptionally good staining intensity and specificity. The kit is used with a primary biotinylated monoclonal antibody to an antigen of choice provided by the user. Cy3-conjugated streptavidin is included in the kit (Figure 5).

Part of the ARCTURUS™ Systems for Microgenomics
The HistoGene™ LCM Immunofluorescence Kit is validated as part of the Arcturus™ Complete System for Microgenomics, an integrated solution for utilizing small quantities of RNA for gene expression analysis. Use the HistoGene™ LCM Immunofluorescence Kit to immunofluorescently stain your samples. Use the ArcturusXT™ Laser Capture Microdissection instrument to capture pure cell populations of your target cells. The PicoPure™ RNA Isolation Kit lets you maximize recovery of RNA from even small numbers of cells. The RiboAmp™ RNA Amplification Kit can amplify picograms of your

Order Codes

Code Description
KIT0420 Catalog Number: KIT0420
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