Invivofectamine™ 3.0 Reagent (Invitrogen™)

Invivofectamine™ 3.0 Reagent is an animal origin-free lipid nanoparticle designed for high efficiency in vivo delivery of siRNA and miRNA to mouse liver cells following tail vein injection.

Using Invivofectamine™ 3.0 Reagent
Invivofectamine™ 3.0 Reagent is ideally suited for in vivo delivery of siRNA and miRNA duplexes. Invivofectamine™ 3.0/RNA complexes are delivered using a low-volume, low-pressure method with no toxicity and no stress response in the animal. Invivofectamine™ 3.0 can also be combined with BLOCK-iT™ fluorescent controls to track the biodistribution of the siRNA or miRNA.

Order Codes

Code Description
IVF3001 Catalog Number: IVF3001
IVF3005 Catalog Number: IVF3005
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