Ion AmpliSeq™ Polyploidy Panel (Ion Torrent™)

The Ion AmpliSeq Polyploidy Panel empowers accurate quality controls in preimplantation genetic testing for aneuploidy (PGT-A) by leveraging SNP-based assessments.

Benefits of the Ion AmpliSeq Polyploidy Panel include:
Germline SNP detection from embryo biopsy samples—no parental DNA required, enabling the extraction of genetic insights directly from the sample
Comprehensive genetic coverage—comprises 74 microhaplotype amplicons for human identification and 368 single SNP amplicons representing the population at large. With a total of 590 SNP sites covered, the panel unveils the unique genomic variations present in each sample, facilitating premium PGT-A analysis.
Triploidy 69,XXX identification—through the utilization of tri-allelic microhaplotype sites and allele frequency distributions, samples with the potentially lethal triploidy 69,XXX can be confidently identified. This abnormality often appears similar to the normal 46,XX on conventional PGT-A plots, but the panel's advanced techniques help overcome this challenge.
Mitigation of maternal contamination risk—reliable assessment of contamination from cumulus cell DNA made possible by tri-allelic microhaplotype sites. This assessment assists in prioritizing low-risk samples with minimized maternal contamination concerns.
Sibling embryo tracking—SNP clustering allows for the identification of genetically related embryos, helping prevent sample mix-ups.

Enhance sample prioritization in PGT-A through the implementation of SNP-based quality controls
Single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) are unique genetic variations that can be inherited and directly associated with parental DNA. By leveraging SNPs, PGT-A analysis gains valuable insights into triploidy 69,XXX, maternal contamination, and embryo identity, helping ease the process of embryo selection for IVF research.

• This panel is compatible with both the Ion GeneStudio and Genexus systems.

Order Codes

Code Description
A55688 Catalog Number: A55688
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