Jump In™ T-REx™ HEK 293 Kit (Thermo Scientific™)

The Jump-In™ T-REx™ HEK293 Kit allows the targeted integration of genetic material into a specific pre-engineered R4 site in the Jump-In™ HEK293 cell line, to create an inducible isogenic stable cell line with less effort and in less time than traditional cell engineering methods. These cells stably express the tetracycline repressor protein, allowing for inducible expression of your retargeted gene of interest upon addition of doxycycline.

The high retargeting efficiency, made possible by the R4 sites in the HEK293 cell line, allows for the use of isogenic pools for additional experiments without the need for clonal selection. Alternatively, the high retargeting efficiency allows for the easy selection of a positive stable clone expressing your gene of interest.

The Jump-In™ T-REx™ HEK293 Kit lets you:

• Quickly and efficiently develop stably engineered isogenic cell pools in about half the time compared to traditional cell engineering methods
• Inducibly express your gene of interest using doxycycline
• Utilize isogenic expression from a defined genomic locus as the ideal solution for comparative analysis of gene families, isoforms, or orthologs
• Generate multiple cell lines in parallel using the simplified work flow
• Easily access the technology without complicated licenses or restrictions to interpret

Save Time with Rapid and Efficient Generation of Engineered Cell Lines
With the Jump-In™ T-REx™ HEK293 Kit you can generate functional cell pools in as little as 2 weeks without laborious clone isolation and analysis, and the streamlined protocol makes it easier to generate several cell lines at the same time. Even generation of clonal cell lines can be done with reduced time and effort due to the high percentage of positive clones. In addition, the Jump-In™ technology gives you the freedom to generate an unlimited number of cell lines without restrictive licensing requirements.

Expand Your Experimental Capabilities
The Jump-In™ T-REx™ HEK293 Kit allows for inducible expression of your toxic or unstable gene of interest and is the ideal solution for targets and assays where transient engineering technologies are problematic. The kit also provides a convenient way to create target panels of gene families, isoforms, or orthologs. Genes coding for large proteins or multi-unit proteins are not a problem since the Gateway™ destination vectors accept large inserts.

The kit includes:

Jump-In™ T-REx™ HEK293 cells (2 vials @ 1 ml each)
pJTI™ R4 Dest CMV-TO pA vector (100 μg)--A Gateway™ Destination vector that drives inducible expression of your gene of interest under control of the strong CMV promoter by inclusion of the Tet-Operon.
pJTI™ R4 Int vector (100 μg)--Expresses the R4 integrase to facilitate the retargeting of your gene of interest into the R4 site.

Sold separately:

pJTI™ R4 CMV-TO MCS pA vector--A multi-site cloning vector that drives inducible expression of your gene of interest under control of the strong CMV promoter by inclusion of the Tet-Operon.
pJTI™ R4 EXP CMV-TO EmGFP pA vector--A control vector with inducible expression of GFP under control of the strong CMV promoter by inclusion of the Tet-Operon.

Order Codes

Code Description
A15008 Catalog Number: A15008
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