MAX Efficiency™ Transformation Reagent for Algae (Invitrogen™)

MAX Efficiency™ Transformation Reagent for Algae is a buffer that enhances transformation efficiency for multiple strains of Chlamydomonas species. One of the biggest hurdles in research and development with Chlamydomonas has been the introduction of exogenous DNA into Chlamydomonas strains due to rigid cell walls. Methods such as glass bead agitation, electroporation, and microparticle bombardment are available but often result in low transformation efficiency.

MAX Efficiency™ Transformation Reagent for Algae increases the permeability of the Chlamydomonas cell wall and facilitates increased delivery of DNA into the cell nucleus by electroporation. Simply grow the Chlamydomonas cells to early log phase, harvest by centrifugation, and wash twice with MAX Efficiency™ Transformation Reagent prior to electroporation. To date, we have seen >200-fold increase in transformation efficiency over previously recommended conditions in 10 different Chlamydomonas strains, including wild type and mutants, using circular or linear DNA, as well as PCR fragments.

• Obtain >1000 transformants/μg DNA for cell wall(+) strains
• Obtain >100 transformants/μg DNA for cell wall(-) strains
• Transform circular or linear DNA or PCR fragments

Order Codes

Code Description
A24229 Catalog Number: A24229
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