MEGAclear™-96 Transcription Clean-Up Kit (Invitrogen™)

The MEGAclear™-96 Kit is designed for the quick, high-throughput cleanup of any large-scale transcription reaction. The kit efficiently separates RNA from unincorporated NTPs, enzymes, and buffer components.

• Purifies transcription reactions in a 96-well format to produce high quality RNA free of unincorporated NTPs, enzymes, and buffer components
• Quick protocol—purify RNA in less than 20 minutes
• Can be adapted to robotic platforms

The MEGAclear™-96 Kit offers more consistent results and higher recovery than generic RNA isolation methods that have been adapted for RNA clean-up. The protocol is quick and easy. The sample is mixed with Binding Solution and ethanol, transferred to a 96-well filter plate, and washed twice; an elution step releases purified RNA, ready for any application requiring highly pure synthetic or in vitro-transcribed RNA. The MEGAclear-96 Kit can also be integrated with your robotic platform or used with manual methods.

Order Codes

Code Description
AM1909 Catalog Number: AM1909
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