Oncomine™ Solid Tumour Fusion Transcript Kit (Thermo Scientific™)

The Oncomine™ Solid Tumour Fusion Transcript Kit consists of a single pool of primers and associated reagents to perform multiplex PCR for preparation of amplicon libraries for next-generation sequencing (NGS) and is designed to provide sensitive and comprehensive sample amplification. Sufficient reagents are supplied for 96 reactions, together with bar codes facilitating the combination of up to 16 samples in a single NGS run.

Intended use
The Oncomine™ Solid Tumour Fusion Transcript Kit is intended to detect rearrangements involving the ALK gene and specific rearrangements for ROS-1, RET, and NTRK-1 genes for in vitro diagnostic use by trained personnel in a professional laboratory environment with extracted human RNA samples including those from formalin-fixed paraffin-embedded (FFPE) tissues.

The Oncomine™ Solid Tumour Fusion Transcript Kit detects rearrangements involving ALK, ROS-1, RET, and NTRK-1 genes associated with solid tumours. The diagnostic kit offers:
• Compatibility with FFPE samples with cDNA derived from as little as 10 ng of RNA
• Sensitive and accurate amplicon production spanning known translocation sites
• Identification of unspecified ALK translocations using an expression imbalance approach
• Enhanced primer design with optimized primer sets
• Optimized positive control designs to distinguish an assay failure from a true negative sample
• A simple workflow to produce targeted libraries in approximately 3.5 hours

The Oncomine™ Solid Tumour Fusion Transcript Kit can be used together with the Oncomine™ Solid Tumour DNA Kit on the same FFPE sample, with the two individual library preparations being combined for NGS.

This kit was developed in association with The OncoNetwork Consortium.

Order Codes

Code Description
A26762 Catalog Number: A26762
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