Precision ID Ancestry Panel (Applied Biosystems™)

The Applied Biosystems Precision ID Ancestry Panel includes 165 autosomal markers (SNPs) that can provide biogeographic ancestry information to guide your investigative process. Fifty-five of these markers were selected based on a publication by Dr. Kenneth Kidd from Yale University [1], and 123 markers were selected based on a publication by Dr. Michael Seldin from the University of California Davis [2]. With small amplicon sizes (<130 bp), this panel is also optimized for degraded DNA samples. Using a small sample input of as little as 125 pg of DNA, you can go from sample extraction to genotypes in less than a two days using the Precision ID NGS System and Converge software for analysis.

• Small amplicons enable better recovery with degraded samples
• As little as 125 pg of input
• Automated library and template preparation using the Ion Chef System

• Multiple chip formats to meet a range of sample throughput requirements
• Ability to multiplex up to 362 samples*

• Less than 45 minutes of hands-on time for a DNA-to-data targeted sequencing workflow*
• Total sample-to-data time of less than 2 days*

NOTE: The Precision ID Ancestry Panel provides sufficient material to perform 96 reactions using the manual Precision ID Library kit (Cat. No. A26435) or 32 reactions using the automated Precision ID DL8 Library Kit (Cat. No. A33212).

* Using the Precision ID NGS System for Human Identification

1. Kidd et. al. Poster: Better SNPs for Better Forensics: Ancestry, Phenotype, and Family Identification. Shown at National Institute of Justice annual meeting, Arlington VA, June 2012.
2. Kosoy R, Nassir R, Tian C, et al. (2009) Ancestry informative marker sets for determining continental origin and admixture proportions in common populations in America. Hum Mutat 30(1) 69–78.

Order Codes

Code Description
A25642 Catalog Number: A25642
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