Precision ID Library Kit (Ion Torrent™)

The Precision ID Library Kit is designed for rapid preparation of amplicon libraries using HID-Ion AmpliSeq ready-to-use panels, for sequencing on Ion Torrent sequencing system. This kit uses only certain components found in the Ion AmpliSeq™ Library Kit 2.0, that are needed for Precision ID applications, making the Precision ID Library Kit more customized and specific for forensic research use only.

Key features:

Simple protocol
• 96 well plate-based workflow allows easy sample management
• No library amplification with qPCR quantification

Ion AmpliSeq™ HiFi Master Mix
• Enables cleaner amplification for increased coverage uniformity
• Up to 3,072-plex PCR allows larger panel designs

Digestion reagent
• Cleaner digest allows for more efficient downstream sequencing

Benefits for HID applications:

• 1 ng of DNA input is recommended for the Precision ID panels
• Less components to help save time and money by preventing unnecessary waste

Scalable multiplex PCR reactions
The Precision ID Library Kit is built on Ion AmpliSeq chemistry, which enables scalable multiplex PCR reactions from 12- to 3,072-plex in a single well using just 1 ng of starting DNA. Ion AmpliSeq panels and primer pools allow highly multiplexed PCR amplification of thousands of genomic target regions, with superior coverage uniformity and specificity, without the need of a specialized microfluidics PCR platform. In addition, the primers contain proprietary modifications that enable removal of primer sequences during library preparation, for efficient target assessment during sequencing. Multiple primer pools can be used to create overlapping amplicons that enable complete coverage of large targets.

Barcoded library preparation
The Precision ID Library Kit includes reagents for generating amplicons with Ion AmpliSeq primers and preparing libraries from the resulting amplicons. The kit enables the preparation of barcoded libraries using Ion Xpress™ Barcode Adapters 1–96 kits and the IonCode™ Barcode Adapters 1-384 Kit. Barcoded libraries can be combined and loaded onto a single Ion chip to minimize the sequencing run time and cost and allow for accurate sample-to-sample comparisons.

Easy and flexible protocol
The Precision ID Library Kit uses a plate-based format for easier sample handling and tracking, and for compatibility with automation and high-throughput laboratories.

The resulting DNA libraries are ready for downstream template preparation for clonal amplification on Ion Sphere™ particles using the automated Ion OneTouch™ 2 System. The intuitive Torrent Suite Software and HID SNP or STR Genotyper plug-ins enable you to go from extracted DNA to ancestry-informative genotypes in less than two days*.

*Using the Applied Biosystems™ Precision ID NGS System for Human Identification

Order Codes

Code Description
A26435 Catalog Number: A26435
A30941 Catalog Number: A30941
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