TOPO™ XL-2 Complete PCR Cloning Kit, with One Shot™ OmniMAX™ 2 T1R Chemically Competent E. coli Cells (Invitrogen™)

The TOPO™ XL-2 Complete PCR Cloning Kit provides all the necessary elements for efficient cloning of extra-long PCR products (up to 13 kb). The kit uses the linearized and topoisomerase 1-activated pCR™-XL-2-TOPO™ vector, which is compatible with the cloning of blunt-end PCR fragments. Amplification of long PCR fragments is enabled by Platinum™ SuperFi™ Green PCR Master Mix, which is included in the kit. Topoisomerase I activation of the vector allows PCR products to be ligated in just 5 minutes on your bench–top, resulting in high cloning efficiency (up to 90% positive recombinants with 10 kb fragments).

The pCR-XL-2-TOPO vector includes:
• ccdB gene for positive selection
• EcoR I site flanking the PCR product insertion site for easy excision of inserts
• Ampicillin- and kanamycin-resistance genes for your choice of selection in E. coli
• T7 promoter/priming site for in vitro RNA transcription and sequencing
• T7, T3, and M13 forward and reverse primer sites for sequencing

The TOPO XL-2 Complete PCR Cloning Kit includes:
• TOPO XL-2 PCR Cloning Kits containing the pCR-XL-2-TOPO vector
Platinum SuperFi Green PCR Master Mix—featuring a proofreading DNA polymerase (>300X fidelity compared to Taq) with high processivity and a density gradient to generate accurate, long PCR amplicons ready to load onto an agarose gel for gel extraction
PureLink™ Quick Gel Extraction and PCR Purification Combo Kit—designed to purify DNA fragments from agarose gels or direct PCR purification using a silica-based spin cartridge in less than 30 minutes
One Shot™ OmniMAX™ 2 T1R Chemically Competent E. coli Cells—an improved chemically competent cell line, perfect for use in all cloning applications.

Order Codes

Code Description
K8050-20 Catalog Number: K8050-20
K8050-10 Catalog Number: K8050-10
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