Pierce™ Yeast Digest Standard (Thermo Scientific™)

The Thermo Scientific Pierce Yeast Digest Standard is a lyophilized yeast peptide mixture ideal for monitoring LC/MS system performance.

Pierce Yeast Digest Standard features include:
Positive control sample—well-characterized eukaryotic proteome sample protein digest (>3,000 proteins) for LC/MS method standardization, development, and troubleshooting
Verified peptide quality—digestion conditions optimized for minimal missed cleavages or peptide modifications during processing
Rigorously tested—high-quality, consistent protein digest guaranteed and documented via lot-specific certificates of analysis
Convenient—ready-to-use lyophilized format

The Pierce Yeast Digest Standard is specifically formulated for LC/MS experiments and does not contain salts or detergents. The protein digest is derived from Saccharomyces cerevisiae yeast strain BY4741 (genetic background: MATa his3delta1 leu2delta0 met15delta0 ura3delta0). The yeast proteome is well-documented and characterized, and the digest is an ideal standard for more complex proteome mass spectrometry applications or when a non-mammalian digeste is required for analysis.

Using the standard routinely before analysis of complex samples makes it possible to monitor and normalize LC/MS performance between samples and over time.

Order Codes

Code Description
A47951 Catalog Number: A47951
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