Annexin V Ready Flow Conjugates for Apoptosis Detection (Invitrogen™)

Enjoy the convenience of ready-to-use Annexin V Ready Flow stand-alone conjugate stains, which offer up to 100-fold fluorescence signal intensity between apoptotic and non-apoptotic cells using flow cytometry. There is no need to dilute, weigh, or pipette the conjugate stains; simply add one drop into cells, incubate, and analyze.

Key Features

Annexin V conjugates provide quick and reliable detection methods for studying the externalization of phosphatidylserine, an indicator of intermediate stages of apoptosis. The difference in fluorescence intensity between apoptotic and nonapoptotic cells stained with our fluorescent annexin V conjugates, as measured by flow cytometry, is typically about 100-fold.

The Annexin V Ready Flow conjugates are provided as ready-to-use, direct-to-sample apoptotic cell stains. Simply add one drop from the dropper bottle directly into 1 x 106 cells in 5 mM Ca2+-containing cell culture medium or annexin binding buffer (Cat. Nos. V13246 or BMS500BB), incubate, and analyze. The traditional annexin staining protocol can be used as an alternative method by replacing the addition of 5 μL annexin conjugate with the addition of 1 drop from the Ready Flow dropper bottle.

The Annexin V Alexa Fluor 488 conjugate is excitable at 495 nm with an emission peak at 519 nm.
The Annexin V Alexa Fluor 647 conjugate is excitable at 650 nm with an emission peak at 665 nm.
The Annexin V APC conjugate is excitable at 650 nm with an emission peak at 660 nm.
The Annexin V Pacific Blue conjugate is excitable at 410 nm with an emission peak at 455 nm.
Annexin V staining to detect apoptotic cells can only be done on live cells and tissue. If samples are to be fixed post-staining, there are specific conditions required to achieve transient retention of signal. These include use of an alcohol-free, aldehyde-based fixation method, use of buffers containing Ca2+ and avoidance of surfactants/detergents. For your convenience, we also offer a concentrated annexin-binding buffer that facilitates the binding of annexin V to phosphatidylserine in apoptosis assays.

Order Codes

Code Description
R37174 Catalog Number: R37174
Unit Size: 120 reactions
Conjugate: Alexa Fluor 488
Excitation/Emission: 495/519
Color: Green
R37175 Catalog Number: R37175
Unit Size: 120 reactions
Conjugate: Alexa Fluor 647
Excitation/Emission: 650/665
Color: Far-Red
R37176 Catalog Number: R37176
Unit Size: 120 reactions
Conjugate: APC (Allophycocyanin)
Excitation/Emission: 650/660
Color: Red
R37177 Catalog Number: R37177
Unit Size: 120 reactions
Conjugate: Pacific Blue
Excitation/Emission: 410/455
Color: Blue
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