BODIPY™ 558/568 Phalloidin (Invitrogen™)

BODIPY™ 558/568 phalloidin is a high-affinity F-actin probe conjugated to our bright, red fluorescent BODIPY™ 558/568 dye.

Selectively stains F-actin
Outstanding fluorescence performance
Excitation/Emission: 558/569 nm
Superior to antibody staining
Optimal for fixed and permeabilized samples

Get Superior Results in Actin Staining Studies
Phalloidin is a bicyclic peptide belonging to a family of toxins isolated from the deadly Amanita phalloides 'death cap' mushroom and is commonly used in imaging applications to selectively label F-actin. Fluorescently-labeled phalloidin has virtually identical binding properties with actin from different species including plants and animals. Phalloidin binds F-actin with high selectivity while BODIPY™ 558/568 provides red fluorescence with superior brightness. Demonstrating very little nonspecific staining, BODIPY™ 558/568 phalloidin allows high-contrast discrimination of actin staining.

Use in Multiple Applications
BODIPY™ 558/568 phalloidin can be used to visualize and quantitate F-actin in tissue sections, cell cultures, or cell-free preparations. BODIPY™ 558/568 phalloidin staining is fully compatible with other fluorescent stains used in cellular analyses including fluorescent proteins, Qdot™ nanocrystals, and Alexa Fluor™ conjugates including secondary antibodies.

For research use only. Not intended for human or animal therapeutic or diagnostic use.

Related Links
Read about labeling F-Actin with phallotoxins.
Create a Cellular Masterpiece with Alexa Fluor™ Phalloidin using the Cell Paint Tool.

Order Codes

Code Description
B3475 Catalog Number: B3475
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