Countess™ Cell Counting Chamber Slides (Invitrogen™)

Countess Cell Counting Chamber Slides are designed for use with Countess automated cell counters. This product includes 1 box of 50 slides without trypan blue.

Ready to use for your convenience
Countess Cell Counting Chamber Slides are individually packaged for your convenience. Each slide has two separate, enclosed chambers that can be used to count one sample in duplicate or two different samples. Cell counting occurs in a central location of the counting chamber. The volume counted is 0.4 μL, the same as counting four 1-mm2 squares in a standard hemocytometer. After use, the slides can be disposed of with your regular biohazard waste. Unlike a hemocytometer, there is no need to clean Countess slides before or after use.

Countess automated cell counters work in three simple steps
1. Mix 10 μL of sample with 10 μL of trypan blue or other desired reagent, including ReadyCount stain, and pipet into a disposable Countess chamber slide.
2. Insert the slide into the instrument.
3. Press “Count”.

Order Codes

Code Description
C10283 Catalog Number: C10283
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