Dynabeads™ FlowComp™ Mouse Pan T (CD90.2) Kit (Invitrogen™)

This gentle and easy-to-use kit allows you to isolate flow-compatible mouse Pan T (CD90.2+) cells from splenocytes or lymph node cells. Immediately after positive isolation, the beads are released and removed from your cell sample. In this way, you avoid any influence of the beads to the cells. In addition, your cells will not be exposed to the stress of being passed through a column.

You can expect a purity level of 96-99% of mouse Pan T cells.


• No risk of your results being affected by the isolation method
• Gentle tube-based method - no columns needed
• High purity, recovery and viability
• Bead-free cells - compatible with flow cytometry analysis
• Viable, bead-free Pan T-cells for direct use in any cell-based assay

Starting sample:
Single cells from spleen or lymph node

Capacity: The kit will process 2 × 109 cells

Order Codes

Code Description
11465D Catalog Number: 11465D
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