Dynabeads™ Human DC Enrichment Kit (Invitrogen™)

Use this kit to enrich viable human dendritic cells (DC's) from PBMC by negative isolation. The kit depletes T cells, B cells, monocytes/ macrophages, granulocytes, NK cells and erythrocytes. Highly enriched DC's are bead and antibody-free, and can be used in any functional assay. The cells should be further sorted to obtain high purity of the specific DC sub-populations of choice.

• Obtain high recovery (80-100%) of viable DC's of all sup-populations.
• Substantial reduction in sorting time and volume compared to sorting only, thus saving money as well.

An antibody mix towards the non- dendritic cells is added to the sample and allowed to bind to the cells. Dynabeads™ are added and will bind to the antibody-labeled cells during a short incubation. The bead-bound cells are quickly separated on a magnet and discarded. The remaining untouched human DC's can be directly sorted into the sup-population of choice or used in any other application.

Starting samples:

Order Codes

Code Description
11308D Catalog Number: 11308D
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