Dynabeads™ M-270 Amine (Invitrogen™)

These are hydrophilic Dynabeads™ (2.8 μm) with amine groups. The surface amino groups allow direct covalent binding of carbohydrates, glycoproteins and glycolipids through reductive amination of aldehydes.

• Rapid binding (less than 1 hour) at neutral to high pH and room temperature.
• No further surface activation required.
• Excellent reactivity with a range of cross-linking reagents, allowing for easy introduction of further alternative surface chemistries.

Ideal for isolation of small components such as proteins and peptides. Allows C-terminal coupling of proteins. Well suited for isolation of proteins or other targets with affinity for specific carbohydrate moieties.

2 x 109 beads/mL

Order Codes

Code Description
14307D Catalog Number: 14307D
14308D Catalog Number: 14308D
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