Dynabeads™ M-450 Epoxy (Invitrogen™)

Dynabeads™ M-450 Epoxy beads are ideal for custom cell-isolation protocols upstream of molecular applications. Purified antibodies can be used in conjunction with these beads to create a magnetic cell separation media with the good antibody orientation.

Ideal for Cell Separation when you have a custom antibody:
Low background and covalent linking of antibodies to the bead surface make these beads an excellent choice for cell separation applications when a downstream release from the beads is not required.

Ultra rapid protocols:

Quickly isolate targeted cell populations upstream of molecular analyses

• Excellent for cell isolation procedures that require custom antibodies
• Couple different custom antibodies to different beads to select specific subpopulations of cells

Not recommended for Immunoprecipitation (IP):
These 4.5 micron beads are not recommended for IP as they have a lower surface capacity per unit mass when compared to 1 μm and 2.8 μm Tosylactivated and Epoxy coated Dynabeads™. Use rather Dynabeads Protein A (10001D, 10002D), Dynabeads Protein G (10003D, 10004D) or one of the Dynabeads Immunoprecipitation Kits (10006D, 10007D)

Coupling procedure outline:
Any purified antibody can be covalently coupled to the bead surface in a easy-to-perform overnight reaction. Simply incubate the antibody you wish to use for your cell isolation procedure with these 4.5 μm Dynabeads™. Optimal coupling occurs at high pH (8.5-9.5) and at 37°C. For pH labile antibodies, coupling can be performed in an alternative buffer at pH 7.4.

About Dynabeads™:
Dynabeads™ are non-porous monodisperse superparamagnetic beads. They are highly mobile in solution enabling antibodies coupled to the beads to continuously interact with the cell suspension. These 4.5 μm superparamagnetic beads experience a strong pull when placed in a magnetic field and gently pull targeted cells to the tube walls when the tube is transferred to a rack containing a strong magnetic field. With the beads and attached cells concentrated at the tube wall the supernatant liquid containing non-targeted cells is easily and quickly decanted or pipetted away. Washing steps are performed similarly.

Bead Characteristics for Dynabeads™ M-450 Epoxy:
• Coated in glycidyl ether (Epoxy) groups
• Hydrophobic, pH Neutral
• Covalent binding by primary amine (NH2) or sulphydryl (SH) groups
• Large bead 4.5 μm bead size is ideal for cellular isolations
• Large bead 4.5 μm bead size not recommended for IP applications

Order Codes

Code Description
14011 Catalog Number: 14011
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