eBioscience™ Annexin V Apoptosis Detection Kits (Invitrogen™)

Easily distinguish cells undergoing early and late apoptosis with eBioscience and Annexin V Apoptosis Detection kits for flow cytometry analysis. These kits utilize viability dye-conjugated annexin V to label phosphatidylserine (PS), an early marker of apoptosis, on the extracellular membrane. In late-stage apoptosis, as cell integrity is lost, both annexin V and the viability dye traverse and bind PS on the interior of the plasma membrane.

Key Features

Annexins are a family of calcium-dependent phospholipid-binding proteins that preferentially bind phosphatidylserine (PS). Under normal physiologic conditions, PS is predominantly located in the inner leaflet of the plasma membrane. Upon initiation of apoptosis, PS loses its asymmetric distribution across the phospholipid bilayer and is translocated to the extracellular membrane leaflet marking cells as targets of phagocytosis. Once on the outer surface of the membrane, PS can be detected by fluorescently labeled annexin V in a calcium-dependent manner.

In early-stage apoptosis, the plasma membrane excludes viability dyes such as propidium iodide (PI), 7-AAD, or fixable viability dyes such as eFluor 450. These cells will stain with annexin V but not a viability dye, thus distinguishing cells in early apoptosis. However, in late-stage apoptosis, the cell membrane loses integrity, thereby allowing annexin V to also access PS in the interior of the cell. A viability dye can be used to resolve these late-stage apoptotic and necrotic cells (annexin V, viability dye-positive) from the early-stage apoptotic cells (annexin V positive, viability dye-negative).

Current viability stains available with the eBioscience Annexin V Apoptosis Detection kits include FITC, eFluor 450, allophycocyanin (APC), phycoerythrin (PE), PE-cyanine7, and biotin.

Order Codes

Code Description
88-8103-72 Catalog Number: 88-8103-72
Unit Size: 50 tests
Conjugate: PE/Cy7
Quantity: 50 Tests
88-8005-74 Catalog Number: 88-8005-74
Unit Size: 200 tests
Conjugate: FITC, Propidium Iodide
Excitation/Emission: 488, 535/520, 617
Quantity: 200 Tests
88-8006-72 Catalog Number: 88-8006-72
Unit Size: 50 tests
Conjugate: eFluor 450, 7-AAD
Excitation/Emission: 405, 546/450, 647
Quantity: 50 Tests
88-8006-74 Catalog Number: 88-8006-74
Unit Size: 200 tests
Conjugate: eFluor 450, 7-AAD
Excitation/Emission: 405, 546/450, 647
Quantity: 200 Tests
88-8007-74 Catalog Number: 88-8007-74
Unit Size: 200 tests
Conjugate: APC, Propidium Iodide
Excitation/Emission: 650, 535/660, 617
Quantity: 200 Tests
88-8008-72 Catalog Number: 88-8008-72
Unit Size: 50 tests
Conjugate: PCP-eFluor 710
Quantity: 50 Tests
88-8008-74 Catalog Number: 88-8008-74
Unit Size: 200 tests
Conjugate: PCP-eFluor 710
Quantity: 200 Test
BMS500FI-100 Catalog Number: BMS500FI-100
Unit Size: 100 tests
Conjugate: FITC, Propidium Iodide
Excitation/Emission: 488, 535/520, 617
Quantity: 100 Tests
BMS500FI-20 Catalog Number: BMS500FI-20
Unit Size: 20 tests
Conjugate: FITC, Propidium Iodide
Excitation/Emission: 488, 535/520, 617
Quantity: 20 Tests
BMS500FI-300 Catalog Number: BMS500FI-300
Unit Size: 300 tests
Conjugate: FITC, Propidium Iodide
Excitation/Emission: 488, 535/520, 617
Quantity: 300 Tests
88-8102-72 Catalog Number: 88-8102-72
Unit Size: 50 tests
Conjugate: PE, 7-AAD
Quantity: 50 Tests
88-8102-74 Catalog Number: 88-8102-74
Unit Size: 200 tests
Conjugate: PE, 7-AAD
Quantity: 200 Tests
88-8103-74 Catalog Number: 88-8103-74
Unit Size: 200 tests
Conjugate: PE/Cy7
Quantity: 200 Tests
BMS500BT-100 Catalog Number: BMS500BT-100
Unit Size: 100 tests
Conjugate: Biotin, Propidium Iodide
Excitation/Emission: NA, 535/NA, 617
Quantity: 100 Tests
BMS500BT-20 Catalog Number: BMS500BT-20
Unit Size: 20 tests
Conjugate: Biotin, Propidium Iodide
Excitation/Emission: NA, 535/NA, 617
Quantity: 20 Tests
BMS500BT-300 Catalog Number: BMS500BT-300
Unit Size: 300 tests
Conjugate: Biotin, Propidium Iodide
Excitation/Emission: NA, 535/NA, 617
Quantity: 300 Tests
88-8005-72 Catalog Number: 88-8005-72
Unit Size: 50 tests
Conjugate: FITC, Propidium Iodide
Excitation/Emission: 488, 535/520, 617
Quantity: 50 Tests
88-8007-72 Catalog Number: 88-8007-72
Unit Size: 50 tests
Conjugate: APC, Propidium Iodide
Excitation/Emission: 650, 535/660, 617
Quantity: 50 Tests
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