eBioscience™ Intracellular Fixation & Permeabilization Buffer (plus Brefeldin A) (Invitrogen™)

The eBioscience Fixation and Permeabilization Kit is designed for use in preparation of living cells for intracellular staining and flow cytometric analysis. A protein transport inhibitor (Brefeldin A) is included for treatment of cells during culture – to cause accumulation of cytokine protein at the Golgi and enhance resulting staining. A fixation buffer is used to cross link, stabilize, and fix the cell membrane, while the permeabilization buffer is used to reversibly permeabilize the cell membrane so the staining antibodies can enter the cell effectively.

Reported Application
Intracellular Staining Followed by Flow Cytometric Analysis

Order Codes

Code Description
88-8823-88 Catalog Number: 88-8823-88
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