EnzChek™ Lysozyme Assay Kit (Invitrogen™)

The EnzChek™ Lysozyme Assay Kit provides researchers with a simple and sensitive assay to measure lysozyme activity in solution. The increase in fluorescence resulting from lysozyme activity is measured using a fluorometer or fluorescence microplate reader.

See our complete line of Fluorescence Microplate assays.

• Detect lysozyme activity concentrations as low as 20 U/mL
• Use standard fluorescein (FITC) excitation/emission settings
• Format allows for continuous measurement of lysozyme activity

The assay utilizes an innovative approach to measure lysozyme activity. Micrococcus lysodeikticus cell walls are used that have been extensively labeled with fluorescein causing quench of the fluorescence signal. Active lysozyme enzyme hydrolyzes the b-(1-4)-glucosidic linkages between the N-acetylmuramic acid and N-acetyl-D-glucosamine residues in the mucopolysaccharide cell wall, relieving the quenching and yielding a dramatic increase in fluorescence that is proportional to lysozyme activity.

Order Codes

Code Description
E22013 Catalog Number: E22013
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