eZKine™ Th1/Th17 Whole Blood Intracellular Cytokine Kit (Invitrogen™)

This eZKine Th1/Th17 Whole Blood Intracellular Cytokine Kit is designed to rapidly identify cytokine producing T lymphocytes of the Th1 and Th17 lineages after stimulation of whole peripheral blood samples. Stimulation of whole blood in the presence of Protein Transport Inhibitor Cocktail (cat. 00-4980, not included) is followed by red blood cell lysis and fixation in a single step and subsequent permeabilization. Samples are then ready to stain with the Th1/Th17 cocktail and concentration-matched Isotype Control cocktail.

Th1 cells are a CD4+ T cell subset that plays an important role in host defense against intracellular bacteria and viruses. Th1 lineage commitment is controlled by the transcription factor, T-bet, and these cells are a primary source of IFN gamma, which stimulates macrophages, lymphocytes, and PMNs in the destruction of bacterial pathogens. IFN gamma also helps foster the development of cytotoxic lymphocytes (CTL & NK cells) that are responsible for the cell-mediated immune response against viruses and tumor cells. Dysregulation of the Th1 response plays a critical role in many inflammatory and autoimmune diseases.

Th17 cells play a key role in barrier defense against extracellular pathogens such as bacteria and fungi and play a significant role in autoimmune disease. They are defined by their expression of the transcription factor ROR gamma t and the inflammatory cytokine IL-17A. Through their activation and subsequent cytokine production, Th17 trigger pro-inflammatory signaling that promotes neutrophil mobilization and the expression of antimicrobial peptides. Some plasticity between the Th1 and Th17 lineages has been reported. Furthermore, a pathogenic Th17 subpopulation has been described with expression of both IL-17 and IFN gamma, as well as ROR gamma t and T-bet. These cells are implicated in several inflammatory and autoimmune diseases.


Reported Application
Intracellular Staining Followed by Flow Cytometric Analysis

Order Codes

Code Description
8822-6850-41 Catalog Number: 8822-6850-41
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