FM™ 1-43 Dye (N-(3-Triethylammoniumpropyl)-4-(4-(Dibutylamino) Styryl) Pyridinium Dibromide) (Invitrogen™)

FM 1-43 membrane probe is an excellent reagent both for identifying actively firing neurons and for investigating the mechanisms of activity-dependent vesicle cycling. This water-soluble dye, which is nontoxic to cells and virtually nonfluorescent in aqueous medium, is believed to insert into the outer leaflet of the cell membrane where it becomes intensely fluorescent. In a neuron that is actively releasing neurotransmitters, the dye becomes internalized within the recycled synaptic vesicles and the nerve terminals become brightly stained. The nonspecific staining of cell-surface membranes can simply be washed off prior to viewing. FM 1-43 membrane probe is also available as 1 mg in a single vial (T-3163). FM 1-43FX membrane probe (F-35355), an analog of FM 1-43 membrane probe that can be fixed in place using aldehyde-based fixatives, is also available.

Order Codes

Code Description
T3163 Catalog Number: T3163
T35356 Catalog Number: T35356
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