GeneBLAzer™ GPR54 CHO-K1 DA Assay Kit (Thermo Scientific™)

This cell line is available as dividing cells by requesting a quote for K1181 from

GeneBLAzer™ GPR54 CHO-K1 DA (Division Arrested) cells and GPR54-NFAT-bla CHO-K1 cells contain the human KiSS1 receptor (GPR54) stably integrated into the CellSensor™ NFAT-bla CHO-K1 cell line. CellSensor™ NFAT-bla CHO-K1 cells (Cat. no.K1078) contain a beta-lactamase reporter gene under control of the Nuclear Factor of Activated T-cells (NFAT) response element. Division Arrested (DA) cells are available in two configurations: an Assay Kit (which includes cells and sufficient substrate to analyze 1 x 384-well plate), and a tube of cells sufficient to analyze 10 x 384-well plates.

DA cells are irreversibly division arrested using a low-dose treatment of Mitomycin-C, and have no apparent toxicity or change in cellular signal transduction. Both GPR54 CHO-K1 DA cells and GPR54-NFAT-bla CHO-K1 cells are functionally validated for Z’-factor and EC50 concentrations of Metastin, (Figure 1). In addition, GPR54-NFAT-bla CHO-K1 cells have been tested for assay performance under variable conditions, including DMSO concentration, cell number, stimulation time, and substrate loading time (data available upon request). Additional testing data using alternate stimuli are also available.

The GPR54 receptor has been shown to be involved in tumor progression and metastasis, and in the development and functional regulation of the gonads.


GeneBLAzer™ GPR54 CHO-K1 DA Cells and GPR54-NFAT-bla CHO-K1 Cells are shipped on dry ice. Store in liquid nitrogen immediately upon receipt or thaw for immediate use.

GeneBLAzer™ GPR54 CHO-K1 DA Assay Kit
Each system contains sufficient division arrested (DA) cells & substrate to assay 1 x 384-well plate. (Other materials are required separately; please refer to the protocol).
•GPR54 CHO-K1 DA cells
•LiveBLAzer™-FRET B/G Loading Kit, 70μg
•Solution D, 1ml
•2 protocols
•Certificate of Analysis
GeneBLAzer™ GPR54 CHO-K1 DA cells
Each system contains sufficient division arrested (DA) cells to assay 10 x 384-well plates (LiveBLAzer™-FRET B/G Loading Kit, Solution D and other materials are required separately; please refer to the protocol).
•GPR54 CHO-K1 DA cells
•1 protocol
•Certificate of Analysis
GeneBLAzer™ GPR54-NFAT-bla CHO-K1 cells
(LiveBLAzer™-FRET B/G Loading Kit, Solution D and other materials are required separately; please refer to the protocol).
•GPR54-NFAT-bla CHO-K1 cells
•1 protocol
•Certificate of Analysis

Order Codes

Code Description
K1333 Catalog Number: K1333
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