Hoechst 33342, Trihydrochloride, Trihydrate - 10 mg/mL Solution in Water (Invitrogen™)

Hoechst 33342 nucleic acid stain is a popular cell-permeant nuclear counterstain that emits blue fluorescence when bound to dsDNA. This dye is often used to distinguish condensed pycnotic nuclei in apoptotic cells and for cell-cycle studies in combination with BrdU.

Also available as a room-temperature-stable, ready-to-use solution: NucBlue Live Cell Ready Probes Reagent.
See other Ready Probes ready-to-use imaging reagents and accessories ›

Visualize staining your cell without wasting your reagents, antibodies, or time with our new Stain-iT Cell Staining Simulator.

Order Codes

Code Description
H3570 Catalog Number: H3570
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