BacLight™ Bacterial Membrane Potential Kit (Invitrogen™)

The BacLight™ Bacterial Membrane Potential Kit provides the fluorescent membrane-potential indicator dye, DiOC2(3), along with a proton ionophore (CCCP) and premixed buffer. DiOC2(3) at low concentrations exhibits green fluorescence in all bacterial cells, but it becomes more concentrated in healthy cells that are maintaining a membrane potential, causing the dye to self-associate and the fluorescence emission to shift to red. The red- and green-fluorescent bacterial populations are easily distinguished using a flow cytometer. CCCP is included in the kit for use as a control because it eradicates the proton gradient, eliminating bacterial membrane potential.

View additional information about all microbiology assays for flow cytometry.

Order Codes

Code Description
B34950 Catalog Number: B34950
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