MitoProbe™ TMRM Assay Kit for Flow Cytometry (Thermo Scientific™)

The MitoProbe TMRM Assay Kit contains tetramethylrhodamine methyl ester (TMRM) for the detection of mitochondrial membrane potential state and CCCP for the induction of mitochondrial membrane depolarization, if desired.

• Study mitochondrial membrane potential in live cells
• Quick, easy protocol

Determining the state of mitochondrial health can be achieved by detecting changes in the mitochondrial membrane potential. In a healthy cell with active mitochondria, TMRM is readily sequestered, thereby emitting a red-orange fluorescent signal. When apoptosis is induced or a treatment like CCCP is applied, the mitochondrial membrane is depolarized and the TMRM signal diminishes.

Order Codes

Code Description
M20036 Catalog Number: M20036
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