ReadyProbes™ Cell Viability Imaging Kit, Blue/Green (Invitrogen™)

ReadyProbes® Cell Viability Imaging Kit (Blue/Green) is a ready-to-use assay that can quickly and easily determine the viability of cells. Just add 2 drops each of room temperature, stable NucBlue® Live reagent (Hoechst 33342) and NucGreen® Dead reagent to 1 mL of cell growth media, then determine viability by counting total vs dead cells. NucBlue® Live reagent stains the nuclei of all the cells and can be detected with a standard DAPI filter. NucGreen® Dead reagent stains only the nuclei of cells with compromised plasma membrane integrity and is detected using a standard FITC/GFP (green) filter set. This kit is appropriate for fluorescence microscopy, fluorescence microplate readers, and flow cytometry.

NucBlue® Live reagent: stains the nuclei of all cells; detected with a standard DAPI filter (excitation/emission maxima: 360/460 nm)
NucGreen® Dead reagent: stains only the nuclei of dead cells with compromised plasma membranes; detected with standard FITC/GFP (green) filter set (excitation/emission maxima: 504/523 nm)
See other ReadyProbes® reagents for cell staining
Learn more about other assays for cell viability

Suggestions for use
• NucBlue® Live and NucGreen® Dead reagents may be added directly to cells in full growth media or a compatible buffer solution.
• In most cases, 2 drops/mL and an incubation time of 5 to 30 minutes will give bright nuclear staining; however, optimization may be needed for some cell types, conditions, and applications. In such cases, simply add more or fewer drops until the optimal staining intensity is obtained.

Order Codes

Code Description
R37609 Catalog Number: R37609
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