SelectFX™ Nuclear Labeling Kit (DAPI, SYTOX™ Green, 7-AAD, TO-PRO™-3 Iodide), for fixed cells (Invitrogen™)

The SelectFX™ Nuclear Labeling Kit provides four spectrally distinct fluorescent dyes for staining nuclei in fixed-cell preparations: blue-fluorescent DAPI, green-fluorescent SYTOX™ Green stain, red-fluorescent 7-aminoactinomycin D (7-AAD), and far red-fluorescent TO-PRO™-3 dye. These dyes are ideal for use as counterstains in multicolor applications; simply select the stain that contrasts spectrally with other fluorescent probes applied to the sample. When used according to the protocol provided, the dyes in the SelectFX™ Nuclear Labeling Kit provide highly selective nuclear staining with little or no cytoplasmic labeling.

Order Codes

Code Description
S33025 Catalog Number: S33025
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