Tubulin Tracker™ Deep Red (Invitrogen™)

Tubulin Tracker Deep Red provides deep-red/far-red fluorescence when bound to polymerized tubulin in live cells. Tubulin Tracker Deep Red is based on Docetaxel conjugated with a bright, photostable deep-red fluorophore. Docetaxel belongs to the family of cytoskeletal drugs that target tubulin. Tubulin Tracker Deep Red absorbs and emits optimally at 652 nm and 669 nm, respectively and can be visualized with standard Cy5 filter settings using almost any fluorescent imaging instrument. It can be multiplexed with blue, green, orange, red, and near-IR fluorophores.

Visualize staining your cell without wasting your reagents, antibodies, or time with our new Stain-iT Cell Staining Simulator.

Order Codes

Code Description
T34077 Catalog Number: T34077
T34076 Catalog Number: T34076
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