Yeast beta-Galactosidase Assay Kit (Thermo Scientific™)

Thermo Scientific Yeast β-Galactosidase Assay Kit is specially formulated for yeast cells and ideal for identifying protein interactions in-vivo using two-hybrid systems.

Features of Yeast beta-Galactosidase Assay Kit:

• Efficient lysis of yeast cells and a colorimetric detection system
• Quantitative or qualitative assay for yeast colonies grown on solid media or in suspension
• Colorimetric assay easily measured in a plate reader or spectrophotometer (420nm)
• Adaptable to 96-well microplates or tube assay formats
• Allows cells obtained from solid media or liquid culture to be assayed directly with no harvesting or washing steps.• Perform homogeneous screening assays or measure activity secondarily after cell lysis
• Also compatible with prepared lysates from other species such as bacteria

Yeast β-Galactosidase Assay Kit allows qualitative or quantitative determination of β-galactosidase activity in solution directly from colonies growing on solid medium. A portion of the colony is suspended in a mixture of Thermo Scientific Y-PER Yeast Protein Extraction Reagent and β-Galactosidase Assay Buffer. After a brief incubation period, the solution turns yellow from the hydrolysis of o-nitrophenyl-β-D-galactopyranoside (ONPG) to o-nitrophenol (ONP) and galactose in a mildly alkaline solution. The assay becomes quantitative if calibrated to cell number by measuring the optical density at 660nm.

The gene encoding β-galactosidase (lacZ) of E. coli has been widely used as a reporter gene in many different prokaryotic and eukaryotic organisms. β-Galactosidase activity is also commonly used as an indicator of protein-protein interactions in-vivo using two-hybrid systems. The interaction strength is verified or quantitated using a β-galactosidase activity assay.

Order Codes

Code Description
75768 Catalog Number: 75768
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