Bacto™ TC Yeastolate (Gibco™)

Bacto TC Yeastolate is an animal origin-free hydrolysate from the water-soluble portion of autolyzed yeast. This supplement contains a mixture of peptides, amino acids, carbohydrates (simple and complex), nucleosides, and vitamins. Derived from the same yeast strain as Difco TC Yeastolate, ultra-filtered (UF), this product has a slightly different nutritional profile because it was not ultra-filtered. Bacto TC Yeastolate should be considered a suitable alternative to Difco TC Yeastolate, ultra-filtered (UF), for supplementing a variety of CHO-based applications.

Customers have used this supplement for CHO-based production of biotherapeutic monoclonal antibodies used in oncological and rheumatological therapeutics and recombinant proteins. Additionally, customers have used this supplement in combination with a soy supplement, such as Difco Phytone, ultra-filtered (UF), to provide an optimal titer performance in mammalian cell based processes by providing additional vitamins and carbohydrates.

Order Codes

Code Description
255772 Catalog Number: 255772
255771 Catalog Number: 255771
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