CultureCEPT™ Supplement (1000X) (Gibco™)

Gibco CultureCEPT Supplement reduces cellular stress and improves viability of stem cells, differentiated cells, and primary cells during a wide variety of handling and processing steps where cell damage and death can limit the success of a workflow. It is a unique formulation that provides exceptional cell protection compared to traditional ROCK inhibitors, such as Y-27632, and other commercially available reagents.

The formulation is based on advancements from the Stem Cell Translation Laboratory at the NIH's National Center for Advancing Translational Sciences (NCATS), where a screen of over 15,000 compounds identified a combination of small molecules (referred to as CEPT) that work together to provide remarkable cytoprotection in passaging pluripotent stem cells, embryoid body creation, organoid formation, single-cell cloning, gene-editing, differentiation, and recovery of cryopreserved cells including PSCs, cardiomyocytes, neurons, astrocytes, and hepatocytes. CultureCEPT Supplement contains the CEPT molecules, chroman 1, emricasan, polyamines, and trans-ISRIB, to provide improved cell viability.

Achieve excellent cell survival in numerous applications
CultureCEPT Supplement will benefit scientists looking for:
• Improved viability of PSCs, differentiated cells, or primary cells following recovery from cryopreservation
• Improved viability during the passaging of stem cells
• Improved viability during electroporation or transfection
• Improved clonal efficiency during gene-editing and clonal selection with PSCs
• Improved embryoid body and organoid formation

CultureCEPT Supplement harnesses the power of CEPT
• Innovative small molecules comprising CEPT have been extensively tested by the NIH's NCATS (Chen et al., 2021)
• Growing number of publications highlights utility and exceptional performance of CEPT small molecules

Compatible with trusted Gibco media systems
• Evaluated in StemScale PSC Suspension Medium, StemFlex Medium, Essential 8 Medium, Essential 8 Flex Medium, Neurobasal Medium, and Neurobasal Plus Medium
• For over 60 years Gibco products have enabled successful research outcomes

• Fully formulated 1000X
• Simply add directly to media
• No weighing, no resuspending, no displacing media, no hassle

Citations and references
1. Chen Y, et al. A versatile polypharmacology platform promotes cytoprotection and viability of human pluripotent and differentiated cells. Nat Methods. 2021 May;18(5):528-541.
2. Tristan CA, et al. Robotic high-throughput biomanufacturing and functional differentiation of human pluripotent stem cells. Stem Cell Reports. 2021 Dec 14;16(12):3076-3092.
3. Ryu S, et al. Human Pluripotent Stem Cells for High-Throughput Drug Screening and Characterization of Small Molecules. Methods Mol Biol. 2022;2454:811-827.
4. Tristan CA, et al. Efficient and safe single-cell cloning of human pluripotent stem cells using the CEPT cocktail. Nat Protoc. 2023 Jan;18(1):58-80.
Kang SY, et al. A Pillar and Perfusion Plate Platform for Robust Human Organoid Culture and Analysis. bioRxiv [Preprint]. 2023 Mar 13:2023.03.11.532210. 5. Deng T, et al. Scalable generation of sensory neurons from human pluripotent stem cells. Stem Cell Reports. 2023 Apr 11;18(4):1030-1047.

Order Codes

Code Description
A56799 Catalog Number: A56799
A56800 Catalog Number: A56800
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