Epidermal Growth Factor, Fluorescein Conjugate (Fluorescein EGF) (Invitrogen™)

We offer several conjugates of epidermal growth factor that are useful for the detection of EGF receptor in cells. Fluorescently labeled EGF has enabled scientists to investigate receptor-membrane interactions, study receptor distribution, calculate rate constants for the interaction of EGF with its receptor, and more. The conjugates incorporating fluorescein (FITC), Oregon Green™ 514, and tetramethylrhodamine were constructed with the dye directly attached to EGF. The conjugates of EGF with Alexa Fluor™ dyes and Texas Red™ dye are complexes of the dye–streptavidin molecule and biotinylated EGF. The biotinylated conjugates utilize biotin-XX, which contains a long spacer arm designed to enhance the probe’s affinity for the EGF receptor.

Epidermal Growth Factor Conjugate Specifications:
• EGF molecule: 53 amino acids, MW=6,045 Da
• Label (Ex/Em): Fluorescein (∼494/518 nm)
• Number of fluorophore molecules on each EGF molecule: 1
• Fluorescence is typically monitored using a flow cytometer, fluorescence microscope, or fluorimeter

Find More Receptor Binding and Phagocytosis Probes
We offer a number of fluorescently labeled probes for studying receptor-mediated endocytosis, membrane markers for endocytosis and exocytosis, and methods for detecting internalized fluorescent ligands. Review Probes for Following Receptor Binding and Phagocytosis—Section 16.1 in the Molecular Probes™ Handbook for more information on these products.

For Research Use. Not for human or animal therapeutic or diagnostic use.

Order Codes

Code Description
E3478 Catalog Number: E3478
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