Pluripotent Stem Cell (PSC) Gene Editing Demo Kit (Gibco™)

The Pluripotent Stem Cell (PSC) Gene Editing Demo Kit offers the critical reagents for successfully generating and detecting knock-outs and point mutations in your cell line of interest.

• Reduce effort and cycle times
• Generate pools with high editing efficiency (up to 80% KO and 40% HDR)
• Quantitate editing efficiency
• Isolate clonal lines easily

What you get:
StemFlex Medium (500 mL), comprised of:
    --StemFlex Basal Medium (450 mL)
    --StemFlex Supplement (50 mL)
rhLaminin-521 (0.1 mg)
RevitaCell Supplement (5 mL)
TrueCut Cas9 Protein v2 (10 μg)
TrueGuide sgRNA Positive Control, HPRT1
GeneArt Genomic Cleavage Detection Kit
• Manual/protocol (electronic)
Neon demo upon request

Efficient genome editing
TrueCut Cas9 protein v2 features include:
• High DNA cleavage and homology driven repair
• Complex with gRNAs into RNPs
• Deliver RNPs with Neon system or Lipofectamine Stem reagent

Superior single-cell survival
The StemFlex/Laminin-521 system with RevitaCell supplement enhances single-cell survival afterelectroporation and single cell sorting. Improved cell survival after electroporation reduces timelines, and the ability to single-cell sort hiPSCs reduces clonal isolation effort and timelines dramatically.

Rapid detection
The GeneArt Genomic Cleavage Detection Kit is a fast, PCR-based method to measure how well your genome editing tool forms insertion and deletion (indel) mutations. Directly PCR amplify your pool of edited cells with primers specific to your targeted region, run the cleavage assay, and determine efficiency, all in an afternoon.

Order Codes

Code Description
A43203 Catalog Number: A43203
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