StemPro™ hESC SFM (Gibco™)

Developed for human embryonic and human induced pluripotent stem cell culture

StemPro™ hESC SFM is a fully defined, serum- and feeder-free medium (SFM) specially formulated for the growth and expansion of human embryonic (hESCs) and human induced pluripotent stem cells (iPSC). StemPro™ hESC SFM has been extensively tested and is proven to maintain pluripotency in a growing list of hESC lines including BG01, BG02, BG03, H1, H9, and BG01V. In addition, StemPro™ hESC SFM has been used to scale up production of hESCs to over 1 x 1010 cells. StemPro™ hESC SFM has been shown to support hESC and iPSC growth for >50 passages without any signs of karyotypic abnormalities, and to maintain the ability of hESCs to differentiate into all three germ line lineages.

StemPro™ hESC SFM Components:
StemPro™ hESC Supplement
DMEM⁄F-12 with GlutaMAX™ medium
Bovine serum albumin 25% (BSA)
Additional components required for complete medium (need to be purchased separately):
FGF BASIC (full length) REC HU (Cat. no. PHG0261)
2-Mercaptoethanol (Cat. no. 21985-023)

Formulated for the growth and expansion of human embryonic and human induced pluripotent stem cells.

Order Codes

Code Description
A1000701 Catalog Number: A1000701
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