Waymouth's Medium (Gibco™)

Waymouth's is a chemically defined medium developed by Charity Waymouth and originally formulated for studies on the nutrition, metabolism, and growth of mouse Strain L sublines, NCTC clone 929 (L929 cells) in a serum-free environment. Waymouth's medium is also used for the culture of whole organs and a broad range of cell types, such as carcinoma cell lines.

This Waymouth's medium is modified as follows:
• L-glutamine• HEPES
• Phenol Red 

The complete formulation is available.

Product Intended Use
For in vitro diagnostic use. CAUTION: Not for human or animal therapeutic use. Uses other than the labeled intended use may be a violation of local law.

Order Codes

Code Description
11220035 Catalog Number: 11220035
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