CTS™ Viral Production Cells 2.0 (Gibco™)

Gibco CTS Viral Production Cells 2.0 are a clonal cell line derived from the HEK293F cell line and are a core component of the CTS AAV-MAX Helper-Free AAV Production System. The cells have been adapted to the chemically defined CTS Viral Production Medium and are maintained in suspension culture in that medium. CTS Viral Production Cells 2.0 can be transfected using the CTS AAV-MAX Transfection Kit for adeno-associated virus (AAV) production.

Features of the CTS Viral Production Cells 2.0 include:
• Clonal, 293F-derived, high-producer cell line
• Absence of SV40 large T antigen
• Optimized for high-density, suspension culture (>12 million cells/mL) in chemically defined medium
• Enable production of high AAV titers, greater than 5 x1010 vg/mL (unpurified)
• Robust scalability and passage stability

CTS Viral Production Cells 2.0 are a fully documented cGMP cell line
• Fully documented, cGMP-banked with detailed cell line lineage history
• Extensive quality testing based on USP <1043> and European Pharmacopoeia (Ph. Eur.) 5.2.12 recommendations
• Flexible licensing options without the burden of downstream royalties
• Contact us (outlicensing@thermofisher.com) for more information and access
• Frozen cells are supplied in a vial containing 1.5 mL of cells at 1 x 107 viable cells/mL in CTS Viral Production Medium and 7.5% DMSO. Cells should be thawed directly into CTS Viral Production Medium for optimal performance.

The CTS AAV-MAX Helper-Free AAV Production System is a scalable, high-titer platform for suspension AAV production with research-grade and GMP versions to enable seamless transition from research to commercial manufacturing. Other components of the CTS AAV-MAX system include CTS Viral Production Medium, CTS AAV-MAX Transfection Kit, CTS Viral-Plex Complexation Buffer, and Viral Production Medium, AGT.

Order Codes

Code Description
A48400 Catalog Number: A48400
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