CTS™ Viral Production Cells (Gibco™)

CTS Viral Production Cells are derived from the human HEK293 cell line and are a core component of the CTS LV-MAX lentiviral production system to produce maximal lentiviral titers. The cells allow high density, serum-free suspension culture with minimal cell clumping in CTS LV-MAX Production Medium. They are specifically validated for lentiviral vector production for the purpose of cell and gene therapy applications, but may be suitable for the production of other viral vectors where the absence of SV40 large T antigen in HEK293 cells is desired. These cGMP-banked cells have gone through a documented validation process to ensure that they can be transfected with multiple plasmids and that viable viral particles can be produced.

Features of the CTS Viral Production Cells include:
• Fully-documented cGMP-banked cell line (HEK293F-derived) with detailed cell line lineage history
• Extensive quality testing based on the US FDA and European Medicines Agency (EMA) guidances for therapeutic use
• Flexible licensing options without royalties

Please visit www.thermofisher.com/celllicenserequest for more information and access.

Order Codes

Code Description
A53956 Catalog Number: A53956
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