ExpiCHO-S™ Cells (cGMP Banked) (Gibco™)

ExpiCHO-S Cells are derived from a non-engineered sub-clone that was screened and isolated from CHO-S Chinese hamster ovary (CHO) cells (1). They are a core component of the ExpiCHO Expression System Kit. ExpiCHO-S Cells are maintained in suspension culture, have minimal tendency to clump, and grow to high density in ExpiCHO Expression Medium. As part of the ExpiCHO Expression System Kit, the cells generate superior protein yields by transient transfection compared to standard CHO, 293, and high-density Expi293F cells.

Features of ExpiCHO-S Cells (cGMP Banked) include:
• Derived from the same Master Seed Bank as our standard ExpiCHO-S Cells
• Fully documented cGMP-banked cell line
• A component of the fully integrated, animal origin-free ExpiCHO Expression System for applications requiring cGMP-banked cells
• Flexible commercial licensing options without royalties

Frozen cells are supplied in a vial containing approximately 1.1 mL of cells at 1 x 107 viable cells per mL in ExpiCHO Expression Medium and 10% DMSO. The cells should be thawed directly into ExpiCHO Expression Medium.

Fully documented cGMP cell line
After execution and payment for a Commercial Production License, a Cell Line Documentation Package (>200 pages and specific to the lot of cells purchased) is provided that includes the entire lineage history of the cells starting at receipt of the initial vial at Thermo Fisher Scientific through delivery to the purchaser, as well as all cell line characterization testing reports.

Commercial licensing that is simple, flexible, and without royalties
ExpiCHO-S Cells (cGMP banked) can be purchased directly from our catalog for research use only during internal development. As you move towards commercial use, a flexible Commercial Production or Service License structure is available without the burden of royalties, keeping it simple as a one-time payment. For more information regarding commercial licensing, email us at outlicensing@thermofisher.com.

1. Wurm, FM. CHO Quasispecies—Implications for Manufacturing Processes (2013) Processes 1:296-311.

Order Codes

Code Description
A37785 Catalog Number: A37785
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