Mimic™ Sf9 Insect Cells (Gibco™)

Mimic™ Sf9 Insect Cells are a derivative of the Sf9 insect cell line. These cells have been modified to stably express a variety of mammalian glycosyltransferases. Typically, insect cells are unable to process N-glycans to the extent that mammalian cells do. This can affect protein structure, function, antigenicity, and enzymatic activity. The addition of mammalian glycosyltransferases to the Mimic™ Sf9 Insect Cells allows for production of biantennary, terminally sialyated N-glycans from insect cells (1). The cells can be used to produce more mammalian-like proteins in both baculovirus and stable insect expression systems.

1 ml of Mimic™ Sf9 Insect Cells are provided frozen in 60% complete TNM-FH, 30% FBS, 10% DMSO at a concentration of 107 cells/ml. Store frozen Mimic™ Sf9 Insect Cells in liquid nitrogen. Cells are guaranteed stable for 6 months when properly stored.

Order Codes

Code Description
12552014 Catalog Number: 12552014
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