DMSO, Anhydrous (Invitrogen™)

Dimethyl sulfoxide, or DMSO, is a highly polar organic solvent that is miscible with water. Many compounds that are not directly soluble in water can be dissolved with DMSO to create a concentrated stock solution that can be further diluted to the desired final concentration in aqueous buffer or media at the time of use.

Molecular Probes™ DMSO is suitable for preparing stock solutions of many popular fluorescent reagents including:
• Fluorescent calcium indicators (e.g. Fluo-3, AM, Fura-2, AM)
• Fluorescent probes for labeling mitochondria (e.g. rhodamine 123, JC-1, MitoTracker™ Green or Red)
• Fluorescent probes for cell tracking or tracing (e.g. CFSE, calcein, AM, CellTracker™ Green CMFDA)
• Fluorescent probes for labeling membranes (e.g. DiI or DiO)
• Fluorescent reactive oxygen species (ROS) indicators (e.g. DCFDA, CM-DCFDA, dihydroethidium or Amplex Red™ reagent)
• Amine-reactive fluorescent labeling reagents (e.g. Alexa Fluor™ 488 NHS ester or fluorescein isothiocyanate (FITC))
• Thiol-reactive fluorescent labeling reagents (e.g. Alexa Fluor™ 488 or fluorescein maleimide)

Molecular Probes™ DMSO is provided in convenient single-use aliquots to ensure fresh, high quality DMSO every time you prepare a concentrated DMSO stock solution. Please refer to the individual online product manuals for specific instructions on the recommended DMSO stock and working solution concentration for your product.

Use our Daily Calcs Science Calculator app to simplify making stock solutions and dilution calculations.

Order Codes

Code Description
D12345 Catalog Number: D12345
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