Dionex™ CarboPac™ PA300-4μm Columns (Thermo Scientific™)

Achieve high efficiency and high resolution analysis of glycans with the new supermacroporous-resin Thermo Scientific™ Dionex™ CarboPac™ PA300-4μm column. The Dionex CarboPac PA300-4μm column is an anion exchange column primarily designed for the analysis of complex oligosaccharides from heterogenous biological and food samples.

Key Features

Combined with pulsed amperometric detection (PAD), this anion exchange column provides efficient, high reslolution separations with no need for derivatization. The Dionex CarboPac PA300-4μm column is designed for efficient separations of neutral and charged glycans of different sizes in complex, heterogeneous samples.

  • Simple, direct approach using pulsed electrochemical detection
  • No derivatization required
  • Free and released glycan compositional analysis
  • Resolution of neutral and charged glycans
  • Compatible with mass spectrometry for IC-MS applications

Order Codes

Code Description
303347 Catalog Number: 303347
Unit Size: Each
Description: Dionex CarboPac PA300-4 μm Guard column (2 x 50 mm)
Column Type: Guard Column
Anion Exchange Capacity: 1.3 μeq per column
303346 Catalog Number: 303346
Unit Size: Each
Description: Dionex CarboPac PA300-4 μm Analytical column (2 x 250 mm)
Column Type: Analytical Column
Anion Exchange Capacity: 85 μeq per column
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